Course Overview

Course Overview

Your Teacher

Hi! I am Jeremy. I've been a teacher for six years including time teaching AP Computer Science in San Francisco and teaching at Khan Academy's experimental school, Khan Lab School. My experience as a teacher will bring you an unparalleled learning experience.

This Course

This course is different by design. I am so excited to share my passion of learning computer science with you. Fundamental JavaScript is broken into three parts. The first part is a surface level pass of all the important concepts so we can connect these concepts in the next parts of the series.

The code sections are broken into three parts: explore, understand, and master.

  1. Explore: In the Explore section you'll be given some code to explore without much guidance. It is your job to answer your own questions.
  2. Understand: The Understand section will be an explanation of how the code works.
  3. Master: The Master section will test your skills and knowledge. If you are struggling go back and review the relevant material.

How to Succeed

You will do best if you spend focused energy and time on this course everyday. Spend 25 to 60 minutes on task, then take a break when you feel your concentration slide. Repeat until you run out of study time.

The first course in the JavaScript Fundamental series is designed to take 3 days to 3 weeks depending on prior knowledge and time alotted. Consider changing your pace if you are taking more or less time.